Fun With Wood!

We're building a house! Then we're gonna live in it! This is where I get to bloviate about it! Ain't technology cool?!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


November 15th Progress

We went out on Wednesday the 15th to check on the progress, and also to try to chase down John the foreman and see if we couldn't nail down a date for our pre-drywall inspection.

Since we got there right around 3:00pm, we went right to the construction office and were lucky enough to catch John there. We basically went over the same stuff we talked about before, in terms of the timeline. The plumber was finished, and it was the first day that the HVAC guy was in there, working on the duct work. He was due to be finished by Friday, and the electrician was coming in on the next Monday. He should be done by Wednesday, and we're due to go through our pre-drywall inspection on the 28th of November.

Finishing that, we went over and checked out for ourselves what had been done to the place.

15NOV06 Exterior

Looks like the rest of the shingles are on, so they're done with that. There also appears to be a column on our front stoop. The garage door frame is complete and that was going to be installed the next day. At that point, I'll need a key to get into my place now!

I took a shot of the bathroom. Well, actually it's the kitchen wall, looking through the bathroom and into the laundry room. Since significant plumbing and duct work run through this wall, it was a good way to show how much progress there was done already on this.

15NOV06 Interior/main lvl bathroom

So progress is definately being made. We should be drywalled by the first week of December!

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